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Card combinations is an effective way to maximize the effectiveness of your free tarot readings. When two cards share similar themes or interpretations or act as supporting allies, their energies may combine in ways that complement or conflict with one another, providing additional strength or oppositional forces within a reading session.

Examine each card’s symbols closely to assess what information they add to the combination. Bear in mind that symbols have both personal and universal interpretations based on your experiences, intuition, and subconscious.

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana are 22 named cards found in a cartomantic tarot pack and include the Fool. These cards are traditionally numbered from zero to twenty one; there is no zero because it represents unnumbered Fool card. These Major Arcana are commonly referred to as “Trump Cards”, and often represent journey that begins with Fool card and concludes at World card – learning about each can help shed insight into life story behind tarot and your personal one!

Each Major Arcana card tells its own unique tale, and when combined together they can further illuminate and deepen that narrative by exploring how their energies interact. For instance, Temperance and Judgement both feature similar energies: both balance head and heart when dealing with justice issues, emphasizing its importance in your daily interactions and transactions.

Additionally, each Major Arcana card carries more significance than its surrounding Minor Arcana cards; therefore if a reading predominantly consists of Major Arcana cards it could provide insight into important themes and lessons for your growth at this moment in time.

Major Arcana cards may indicate that what is happening to you has karmic connotations and long-term impacts; for instance, Death could signify that endings often signal new journeys ahead.

As part of your analysis of tarot card combinations, it can also be helpful to take into account the influences of zodiac signs and elements on interpretation of specific cards, helping you gain greater insight into readings as a whole.

Minor Arcana

Minor Arcana cards make up 56 cards in any deck of Tarot cards and offer insight into aspects of everyday life that might otherwise go undetected in free tarot readings using Major Arcana cards alone, including work, love and conflict experiences. Their importance should not be undervalued.

Interpreting Minor Arcana cards requires intuition, an understanding of traditional meanings and an awareness of their interaction in a reading. By providing guidance, clarity and perspective to their querent, these cards may offer guidance and assist them in making informed choices when faced with challenges in life.

Minor Arcana can provide invaluable insights into both the current state of a situation and possible outcomes. Each suit of Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles has their own energy, symbolism and elemental associations; furthermore each card also possesses both positive and negative aspects that need to be taken into consideration by readers.

Interpretation of Minor Arcana cards can be complex and vary greatly depending on both the deck used and how it was read. It is important to keep in mind that Minor Arcana cards do not elicit negativity but instead offer opportunities for growth and change.

Minor Arcana can also provide insight into possible combinations with Tarot cards due to its symbolic overlaps on each individual card. For instance, both Two of Cups and Eight of Cups depict people holding cups; this suggests that one relationship could pave the way for another one, or that an unexpected loss might open doors for something new to emerge.

Temperance + Judgement can also provide spiritual guidance in times of difficulty, while Eight of Swords and Four of Wands cards could indicate both wanting closure and not wanting to let go.


As when working with Tarot Card Combinations, it’s essential to remember that cards are symbols and each can have multiple interpretations. Furthermore, two cards combined may form new interpretations or messages for your free tarot reading – especially when dealing with Minor Arcana cards – so each combination must pay attention both individually and collectively based on energy and theme of its readings.

Example: Death and Ten of Swords may indicate that someone is looking to move past past hurts or betrayals. Conversely, Lovers and Devil could signal danger of falling into toxic relationships or habits that might harm themselves or those close to them.

Other common Tarot Card combinations are The High Priestess and Magician, often representing our soul’s journey from innocence to mastery. The High Priestess represents intuition and the unconscious mind while Magician manifests this wisdom into reality.

Tarot Card Combinations can also be understood by looking at their characters and interactions among them. For example, when dealing with two cards featuring people as in an Empress and Emperor pair they often represent balance and stability in relationships and family dynamic dynamics.

Cards also share similar elements. A pair of cards that contain one element each can help reinforce one another’s energy and message; for instance, the Eight of Pentacles and Three of Cups both symbolize material wealth as well as having strong familial ties that connect them both with home life.

Noticing any repeating card combinations during a reading can help provide greater insight into themes and messages present within it. For instance, seeing Wheel of Fortune and Sun appear together multiple times could signal good fortune coming to the querent’s way.


Considering the elements when reading tarot card combinations is key. Understanding each suit and court card’s elemental associations will provide greater depth of insight. Water is linked with emotions, intuition, relationships, healing and overall wellbeing whereas Earth brings material abundance, security and stability while Air provides communication intelligence and ideas.

Tarot cards embody all four elements, each represented by its own symbol; for instance, water’s power can be represented by waves lapping against a sandy shore or riverbanks; it’s an inexorably influential force that can alter your life and decision-making processes. Each Tarot suit also has its own symbol – in this article we’ll examine how they link up with their elemental counterparts on cards.

Use elemental dignities to determine which cards are more significant in a spread, but be wary not to overuse this method. Overdoing it may lead to overthrowing something valuable: for example, thinking that pairing water cards with air cards would produce favorable results is easy, but that may not always be true – what may appear weak combinations may actually have positive results in life.

Exploring Tarot card combinations by studying their interactions is another powerful way of deepening readings and increasing understanding. Doing this allows us to study whether pairs of cards strengthen or weaken each other – this process is known as Tarot suit compatibility and it adds extra depth and detail into free tarot readings.

Another helpful technique is to look at your tarot card readings as a narrative, which can help you better comprehend how individual meanings of each card relate to one another as well as to the question that was asked. For example, Two of Cups + Eight of Cups may indicate that an established relationship (Eight of Cups) may soon end and allow newer relationships (Two of Cups) to blossom instead. Likewise, this approach can also be used to identify common symbols within a deck and find relationships among them all.