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Exploring Personal Growth Through Online Tarot Reading Sessions

Personal growth is one of those vague ideas that many people pretend to know clearly. If you think about it hard enough, personal development is subjective. It’s subjective regarding definition, what it covers, how far it goes, and its consequences.

It varies from person to person. Many of this originates from different people having different goals in life. This is an easy choice.

Other people prioritize their careers, so they’re on a particular personal growth track. Their definition of personal growth revolves around their job title, how high up they are in the corporate hierarchy, and the money they make.

Other people define themselves in terms of their interpersonal connections. They tend to define personal success and growth in terms of how many people they know, how many doors are open to them, and how much respect they get overall.

Others focus on their health. Their definition of personal growth boils down to how fit and healthy they are and whether many agree.

Different folks have different strokes. That’s just the way it is.

Keep this in mind if you want to use online tarot reading sessions, even if they are free, as a critical vehicle for exploring personal growth. You have to start with the fundamentals.

Be Clear on How You Define Personal Growth

If you explore personal growth through online tarot reading sessions (even if it is free), you must first start by defining what personal development is to you.

I’m now talking about what it means to your parents or other people you love and respect. I’m referring to you. This is where the journey starts.

Unfortunately, many carry over definitions of vital personal concepts belonging to others.

Your parents’ personal growth definition may not apply to you because you are your person. You own your life. You are ultimately responsible for the decisions that you make.

So it’s unfair to you to wholesale copy and paste other people’s definition of personal growth. You have to make this call. Nobody can do it for you.

Use Your Personal Growth Definition as a Lamp to the Path Ahead of You

The road ahead in life is made up of this vast, broad highway with amazing lights and an even surface pavement. Unfortunately, that’s not life.

There’s a lot of dark corners out there. Many sections of the way ahead in your future are entirely dark. I’m not even talking about lit by stars or the moon. It’s completely dark.

Worse yet, the road has potholes, twists, turns, and bumps.

Understanding this through the deeper level of self-awareness made possible by a tarot card reading (even in the form of an online tarot reading session) gives people cold feet. Since the road to a self-defined personal future seems so dark and possibly even dangerous, it’s much better to stick to what they know.

This is too bad because this prevents you from growing. This is not personal growth.

Personal growth is all about charting your way, and it’s more challenging than getting from Point A to Point B. In many cases, it’s about having the courage to make sense of the darkness in front of you and use your definition of what you want as your guiding light.

It doesn’t have to be the absolute truth as far as everybody is concerned because your definition will differ from theirs regarding personal growth.

So set that aside and allow yourself to be encouraged, inspired, and motivated by your definitions of key concepts in your life.

Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Patterns

Since now you’re using your definition of personal growth to push you forward, this enables you to finally neutralize and deactivate many of the limiting beliefs and mental and emotional patterns you’ve been using up to this point.

Remember, it’s straightforward to live life on autopilot. Working with the existing pattern others have passed on to you is concise and convenient.

You’re being passed on these life patterns by simply being alive. I’m talking about your parents, the people you see daily, your neighbours, schoolmates, coworkers, and everybody else. We are all sponges.

While you may think that we are individuals with our minds and our healthy level of skepticism, don’t underestimate that you pick up all sorts of suggestions daily.

Unless you know this is happening, you would mindlessly parrot whatever people say the truth or the path to a good life is. This is where you get into trouble.

The good news is when you gain tremendous clarity and perspective thanks to online tarot reading sessions, you see many different paths forward.

What makes one better than another boils down to you. This gives you a tremendous sense of power.

Achieving this mental state makes you more likely to view your life as a series of possibilities. You no longer see it as a one-way street where you cannot change much because it’s all been set down for you. You start looking at your life as a golden opportunity with many alternative endings instead of a foregone conclusion.

Never underestimate the number of people who automatically believe that today must be the same as yesterday. This is how we doom ourselves to a personal prison.

And worse yet, whatever unhappiness or frustration we feel is caused solely by us. That’s right!

We are to blame because we stuck to that pattern when we have other choices. You begin to reconnect with your sense of possibility when you practice self-care using online tarot reading (even a free tarot reading session) and other tarot card readings.

This is all rooted in the reality that you own yourself. You own your thoughts. You have a choice as to what to think. You are also able to tell yourself your life story.

In other words, you shape your narrative. When you make conscious and purpose-driven choices, you can take your life to a place you’ve never been. This leads to a sense of personal ownership and power.